etc/EBS Evening Special

22.11.17 Thu〈이지 라이팅〉 let (목적어) down

Y2J.breeze 2022. 11. 20. 00:12

Weekly Pick

Serina : Oh, honey! I love it here! Can we stay just one more night?
Mayu : I wish we could, but it’s like $500 per night…
Serina : But it’s not like we can come to Paris every day!
Mayu : OK. I was going to buy you the $500 necklace we saw yesterday, but I guess it can wait.
Serina : You know what? Paris can wait, too.

love it here = 여기가 엄청 마음에 들다, 여기를 엄청 좋아하다

Mayu : Honey! We are going to be late for the concert!
Serina : I’m almost done doing my make up! Just give me 5 more minutes!
Mayu : You said the same thing 5 minutes ago!
Serina : Stop complaining and help me with these eyelashes.
Mayu : What are these, peacock feathers?

done (~ing) = (~ing)하는 걸 마치다

Mayu : Oh, man! You’ve got to try this. This is the best kimchi stew I’ve ever made!
Serina : Why is there so much water in there?
Mayu : Just... Just try it. Come on. Have I ever let you down?
Serina : All the time, my friend. All the time. What the… This is just kimchi soaked in water!

let (목적어) down = (목적어)를 실망시키다

Serina : Here’s a tip on how to lose weight.
Mayu : Go on.
Serina : Keep track of what you eat throughout the day.
Mayu : How is it helpful though?
Serina :You will start to understand what to eat and what not to eat.
Mayu : You mean I have to decide between fried chicken and spicy chicken?

keep track of (명사) = (명사)를 기록해두다

Serina : I’m ordering spicy chicken for dinner.
Mayu : But we already had chicken for lunch!
Serina : Are you kidding me right now? It was fried chicken.
Mayu : Same thing! Can we eat it tomorrow?
Serina : You know what they say.“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

put off (명사) = (명사)를 미루다

세리나의 엄마표 영어

Son : Mommy, look at this jet plane I made!
Mom : Wow, it’s so cool! All right, sweetie… Now, you need to clean up this mess now.
Son : I don’t want to!
Mom : Sweetheart, your room is so messy.
Son : I don’t want to!
Mom : You could step on the blocks and get hurt.
Son : I don’t want to! I don’t want to! I don’t want to!
Mom : How about we clean the mess up together?
Son : OK, Mommy!
Mom : *sigh*

1. You need to (동사원형) = (동사원형)할 필요가 있어. ~해야 해.
2. messy : 어질러진, 너저분한
3. get hurt : 다치다
4. How about we (평서문)? = 우리 (평서문)하는 게 어때?