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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.09.03 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 live up to one’s name

by Y2J.breeze 2022. 9. 25.

Weekly Pick

live up to one’s name : 이름값 하네요
The Best Burger in Town!

It lives up to its name!
Grab a piece of sushi and make the dipping sauce live up to its name.
Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. lived up to his name in his first game.
Young thug might live up to his name. He’s facing ten years in prison.

Goodbye, something. Hello, something
① 아이를 가지는 순간 주말과는 작별이지.
Once you have kids, you can say goodbye to weekends. 
② 결승전 전날에 팀의 에이스가 부상당한 상황
Say goodbye to winning the championship...
If you click on those links, say goodbye to privacy. 
In ten years, you can kiss goodbye to credit cards. 
We deliver medicine to your door. 
You can say goodbye to your awkward doctor appointments. 
You drank at school? You can kiss your PS5 goodbye. 
If the government keeps controlling us like this, well, you can kiss goodbye to democracy in the future!
eat someone/ something for breakfast
‘breakfast’가 아침 말고 다른 뜻이 있다고?!
You eat problems for breakfast. You got this!
He eats criminals like this for breakfast.
If I were in this competition, I would eat you for breakfast.
I eat people like you for breakfast!
‘식은 죽 먹기’의 미국식 표현은?
① 중요한 파일을 몰래 가져와야 하는 상황
A : How are you going to get the file from him? 
B : It’s going to be like taking candy from a baby. 
② 힘든 것을 어떻게 할 거냐고 물어보는 상황
A : How is she going to do that? 
B : It’s a walk in the park for her. 
