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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.09.15 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 It’s my first time + (~ing)

by Y2J.breeze 2022. 9. 25.

Weekly Pick

Mayu It’s my first time trying tangsooyook.
Serina You’ve got to be kidding me!
Oh, you’re going to love this.
OK. Before we eat it, let me pour the sauce over it.
Mayu Don’t do it.
It’s my first time + (~ing). = (~ing)하는 거 처음이야.
Serina It seems like you really enjoy listening to Easy Writing.
Mayu I do. I know this might sound really weird, but…
Whenever the lady host says, “You’re fabulous!”,
it gives me peace of mind.
Serina Is that right? By the way, “You’re fabulous!”

give (목적어) + peace of mind = (목적어)에게 마음의 평온을 주다
Mayu Have you ever thought of running away from home?
Serina I actually did run away from home when I was 7.
Mayu No way! You did? So, what happened?
Serina Nobody noticed I was gone, so I just came back
run away from home = 가출하다
Serina How could you trick me into buying a crappy car like this?
Mayu What do you mean, Mrs. Hwang?
I thought you wanted a convertible.
Serina I said I wanted a convertible, not a car without a roof!
trick (목적어) + into (~ing) = (목적어)를 속여 (~ing)하게 만들다
Serina I heard Superman lives somewhere in Bundang.
Mayu It’s true. He’s actually my neighbor.
I just talked to him the other day, too.
Serina That’s crazy!
Did you ask him why he wears his underwear on the outside?
Mayu I sure did.
He said the suit just came that way when he bought it.
somewhere + in (장소) = (장소) 어딘가에(서)

세리나의 엄마표 영어

Mom (Serina) It’s time for bed, Sweetie.
아들(마유) But I don’t want to go to sleep!
Mom   How about I tuck you in?
We can read a story together, too.
Son OK. Can we please read Mayu Man?
He’s my favorite superhero.
Mom Of course, we can!
1. It’s time for something. = ~를 위한 시간이야. ~를 할 시간이야.
2. How about we do something? = 우리 ~하는 건 어떨까?
3. tuck someone in = ~를 재워주다
4. Of course, we can! = 물론, 그래도 되지!
오늘의 한문장
It’s my first time + (~ing). = (~ing)하는 거 처음이야
