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etc/진미영&EW Weekly Review

[EW] 1월 2nd weekly review

by Chloe Y 2023. 1. 15.


1 I hopped off the plane hoping I could fit in.
2 I jumped in the cab, and I see the Hollywood sign to my right. This is surreal!
3 The DJ is playing my jam, so I put my hands up. Yeah, it's a party in the USA!
4 I'm kinda homesick, and there is a bit of pressure. It makes my stomach turn sometimes.
5 But it's okay as long as my favorite song is on. Yeah, it's a party in the USA!

1 One of my close friends from America visited me in Korea the other day.
2 I've known this guy since college, so I guess it's safe to say that we go back a long way.
3 I still remember the first day I met him in front of the school library.
4 He was wearing baggy pants and a bandana in a matching color. Not to mention stupid earrings.
5 I guess he was going for a gangster look.

1 Surprisingly, he was quite soft on the inside. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
2 As a second generation Korean American, he barely spoke any Korean.
3 So, I taught him Korean, and in return, I got to learn some cool slang terms from him.
4 I don't know what brought us so close, but he is like a little brother to me.
5 I even hosted his wedding when he and his girlfriend got married.


1 As I near my 40s, my view on getting older is changing.
2 Once people hit their 30s, somehow everyone becomes ashamed of their age. Why is that?
3 If you think about it, there's nothing wrong with getting older.
4 In fact, living to an old age is truly a blessing, and we should be proud to be wiser.
5 So, this year, I'm going to try not to complain about my age during small talk or any other conversation.

1 Jack Jones is a 10-year-old CEO whose company buys and sells textbooks online.
2 He and his four employees take pride in what they do in the retail industry.
3 He even has his own secretary who calls herself a go-getter.
4 Every once in a while, they gather around a conference table to talk about business topics.
5 Jack says his secret to running a successful business is staying current with the trends.


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