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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.09.04 Sun 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 You're welcome

by Chloe Y 2022. 9. 25.

Weekly Pick

(You're) welcome
You’re more than welcome, sir.
You’re welcome to stay (for the night).
I don’t feel welcomed.
You’re welcome이 반어법으로 쓰인다?!
① 상대방이 고맙다고 말을 못 하고 있는 상황
A : Hey, here’s the money.
B : ...
A : You’re welcome, buddy.

② 상대방이 고맙다고 하지 않는 상황
A : Okay. See you later!
B : You’re welcome!
A : Haha, thank you!
