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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.10.20 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 get hold of

by Chloe Y 2022. 10. 21.

Weekly Pick


Mayu I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day. Why didn’t you answer my calls?

Serina Because I’m not your friend. OK? So, stop calling me.

Mayu OK… I just happened to have free tickets to the BTS concert. So, I was going to give them to you.

Serina For the good times and bad times, I’ll be on your side forever more~ That’s what friends are for~

get hold of (목적어) : (목적어)와 연락이 되다


Serina Hey, Mayu. Say hi to my boyfriend. This is Kevin.

Mayu If you break her heart, I will break yours. You hear me? 

Serina Hey! Calm down, buddy. Let’s go, Kevin. Kevin What’s up with that little guy?

Serina He’s my little brother’s friend. He does that to every guy I date.

break one's heart : ~의 마음을 아프게 하다


Mayu Your friend Chloe stood me up again!I mean.. She could’ve just said that I’m not her type.

Serina Oh, no. It’s not that you’re not her type. It’s just that she got back with her ex. If that makes you feel any better…

any better : 조금도/조금이라도 더 나은


Mayu Are you ready for some funny jokes, my friend?

Serina Stop it! Seriously!

Mayu But you didn’t even hear…

Serina No matter how hard you try, your jokes will never be funny. Why can’t you accept that?

Mayu That’s right… I was cursed at birth…

be ready for (명사) : (명사)에 대한 준비가 되어있다


Serina Gosh! Your hair smells so horrible that my nose feels numb. like my dog’s paws. Go and wash it already!

Mayu What are you talking about? I did wash it!

Serina What was the brand of the shampoo? Dog’s Paws?

did (동사원형) : (동사원형)하긴 했다

세리나의 엄마표 영어

Son(마유) :  Waaaa, waaaaaaa!!

Mom(Serina) : What’s wrong?

Son : Waaaa, waaaaaaa!!!

Mom : Are you hurt?

Son : I hurt my knee. Look, Mommy!

Mom : Let’s see. Oh, it’s not too bad.

Son : It’s baaaaaad! Waaaaaaa!

Mom : Oh, my poor baby… Okay. Okay. Let’s go wash it.


1. Are you hurt? = 너 다쳤어?

2. I hurt something. = ~를 다쳤어요

3. Let’s see. = 어디 보자

4. not too bad = 그렇게 심하진 않은
