etc/진미영&EW Weekly Review61 [RAE] 12월 5th weekly review 26_MON 1 What did you do for Christmas? : 크리스마스 때 뭐 했어? 2 What have you done? : 무슨 짓을 한 거니? 3 I hope you had a great holiday! : 좋은 휴일을 보내셨기를 바랍니다! 4 Did you really (say that)? : 정말 그랬어 (그렇게 말했어)? 27_TUE 1 Your team looks good on paper. : 네 팀은 겉으로만(통계로만) 보면 진짜 잘할 것 같은데. 2 We’re technically still married on paper. : 엄밀히 따지면 우리는 아직 서류상으로 결혼한 상태야. 3 He said he didn’t do it, but he left a paper trail.. 2022. 12. 31. [EW] 12월 4th weekly review 19_MON 1 3-year-old Cameron is legally deaf and has been learning sign language. 2 This Christmas, his family decided to go to see Santa at the Mayu Mall in Serinaville. 3 Some 200 children were waiting in line to see him and take photos with him. 4 Cameron was super excited to see Santa and couldn't wait to sit on his lap. 5 Then, the Mayu Mall Santa noticed the little boy with two hearing aids.. 2022. 12. 23. [RAE] 12월 4th weekly review 19_MON - 마음이 약하다. 1 She has a soft heart once you get to know her. : 그녀는 알고 보면 마음이 참 곱습니다. 2 His songs used to go hard. He’s gone soft. : 그의 노래는 엄청 강력했었는데, 이제 그는 부드러워졌어. 3 I’ve always had a soft spot for cheesy movies. : 난 항상 유치한 영화에 대한 애정이 있었어. 4 Hey! Paul is going with me! -- He eventually gave in! : 야! 폴이 나랑 같이 간대! -- 그가 결국 가겠다고 했구나! 20_TUE - come up의 원어민 위앙스 1 Hey, your birthday is coming up.. 2022. 12. 23. [EW] 12월 3rd weekly review 12_MON 1 Do you hear sleigh bells ring? Do you see snow glisten? 2 Children are building snowmen and having snowball fights. 3 Birds are singing love songs as if they were opera singers. 4 What more can I expect? It's a beautiful sight and everyone seems happy tonight. 5 Watching all this happen, I feel like I'm walking in a winter wonderland. 13_TUE 1 I started my own iTube channel a little ove.. 2022. 12. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 16 다음