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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.09.22 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 Do you mind (~ing)?

by Y2J.breeze 2022. 9. 25.

Weekly Pick

Serina : Hey, man. Do you mind farting somewhere else? I’m trying to work here.
Mayu : Oh, I’m sorry. I did my very best to make it silent. I guess I failed.
Serina : I appreciate that you tried, but silent farts are always deadly.
Do you mind (~ing)? = (~ing)하시면 꺼리시나요?
Serina : Honey! Guess what I just picked up at a flea market!
A white gold necklace for $10! Can you believe that?
Mayu : Hold on… Isn’t this the one I gave you on your birthday?
Serina : What? No… What?
pick up = 구하다, 사다
Mayu :You’ve got to try this facial cream.
It’s designed to prevent your skin from aging.
If you don’t like it, just return it within 24 minutes, and we will give you your money back.
Serina :24 what…? O…K… Um… What is it called again?
Mayu Mayu Cream.
prevent (목적어) + from (~ing)
= (목적어)(~ing)하는 것으로부터 미리 막다.
Serina : Jeez, Mayu. What did you eat for dinner?
Your fart smells horrible!
Mayu : I’m truly sorry. I had boiled eggs with milk. So, tell me. Was it that bad?
Serina : It was so bad that my eyes are still hurting.
so (형용사) + that (평서문) = 엄청 (형용사)해서 (평서문)이다
Mayu :  Do you remember Alisha from high school?
She’s married to a model.
Serina : A model? Man… What a lucky girl!
Mayu : You’re not jealous, are you?
Serina : Why would I be when my husband is a pilot and I fly for free?
be married + to (목적어) = (목적어)와 결혼한 상태다
세리나의 엄마표 영어
Son I hate carrots!
Mom Mayu, carrots are so good for you.
Son  They taste yucky.
Mom Do you see? Carrots are orange. They have lots of vitamins that help our eyes!
Look at Mommy. (Crunch) Mommy loves carrots!
1. I hate/love something. = ~가 싫어 / ~가 엄청 좋아
2. Something is good for you. = ~는 몸에 좋은 거야
3. Do you see? = 보이니?
4. Look at something. = ~를 봐.
오늘의 한 문장
Do you mind if~
