EBSFM112 9월 5th week 26_MON 1 I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! : 보는 내내 조마조마하면서 초집중하고 있었어! 2 I like the original better than the remake. : 나는 리메이크보다 원작이 더 좋아. 3 Hmm. I think you should just keep it PG for now. : (강의에서) 음. 지금은 그냥 PG로 가는 게 좋을 것 같아요. 4 It’s like every other Korean drama. : 다른 모든 한국 드라마들과 다를 바가 없어. * movie rating - G: 모든 연령에 적합 - PG(Parental Guidance Suggested): 부모 지도 권장으로, 가벼운 폭력 장면과 암시적인 성적.. 2022. 10. 1. 2022.10 진미영 Contents 《진짜 미국 영어》 22년 10월호 목차 [1st week] 01 Sat. Weekly Review [2nd week] 03 Mon. 물질만능주의자 04 Tue. I had my hair cut. VS I cut my hair. 05 Wed. That's my thing. 06 Thu. be good at something VS do something well 07 Fri. not so good / not good / not bad / not so bad 08 Sat. Weekly Review [3rd week] 10 Mon. a long shot 11 Tue. a second chance 12 Wed. 폐를 끼치다 13 Thu. ‘안전’과 관련된 표현들 14 Fri. 일러바치다 / 고자질하다 15 Sa.. 2022. 9. 30. 22.09.29 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 one’s cup of tea Weekly Pick 1. Serina : Hey, Mayu. Do you have time this Friday? My buddies and I are going to a dance party and I was wondering if… Mayu : Thanks for the invitation, but dance parties are not my cup of tea. Serina : Oh, no. I was wondering if you could pick us up after the party because we need a designated driver… one’s cup of tea = ~의 취향 2. Serina : I just got in an accident… Mayu : Oh, no! S.. 2022. 9. 30. 22.09.25 Sun 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 I offer my deepest condolences. Weekly Pick 애도를 나타낼 때 쓰는 표현 I offer my deepest condolences. My condolences. You have my deepest sympathy. We are all thinking of you. He/She will be missed. Pay respect/ tribute (경조사비를 내다 포함) Down to earth I like someone who is down to earth. 난 털털한 사람이 좋아. He is absolutely not a down to earth type of a guy. 그는 절대 털털한 타입의 친구가 아니야. When will you come down to earth? 넌 언제 현실을 직시할래? He is a superstar.. 2022. 9. 25. 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ··· 28 다음