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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.12.15 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉watch your language

by Chloe Y 2022. 12. 16.

Weekly Pick


break into = ~에 잠입하다

Mayu    Honey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?
Serina   Someone broke into my car and stole something. We’re going to have to cancel our trip.
Mayu    Oh, no… Someone stole your passport?
Serina   No, the pink skirt I ordered for our trip. Without it, there’s no point in going to Spain.
watch one’s language = 말조심하다
Serina    OK. So, this is Babo. We’ve known each other for a long time and…
Mayu     Hey! Hey! Hey! Watch your language! You’re being rude!
Serina    Huh…? Anyway, Babo and I are hosting a new show called…
Mayu     Hey! Hey! Hey! I said, “Watch your language!”  What is wrong with you?
Serina   Calm down, man! That’s his name! Babo Kim.
build a snowman = 눈사람을 만들다
Serina    Do you want to build a snowman~?
Mayu     Come on, let’s go and play~
Serina    Mayu, I made this for you! Tada! The Mayu Snowman!
Mayu     Wait… Why are all his buttons missing?
Serina    Oh… I guess they just popped.
take off = 대박이 나다
Serina     Congrats, Mayu! I heard one of your iTube videos took off! I knew my little brother was a genius!
Mayu      Thanks to you, sister.
Serina    Thanks to me? Well, anyway! What was the video about?
Mayu      Are you ready? The title went like this. ‘How to Sell Your Sister’s Accessories and Get away with It’

세리나의 엄마표 영어

Son(마유)        Mommy, when I grow up, I’m going to marry you
Mom(Serina)   Oh. That’s so sweet, Mayu, but we can’t marry each other. 
S                     What do you mean? 
                   I mean, you are my son. You’re already my family. 
S                    Then who do I marry? 
                   Well, when you become a grown up, you might find a really special friend who you want to make your family. That way, you can be with her all the time. 
                   So we can’t get married?
M                    No, Sweetheart. We don’t need to get married. We’re already family! 
S                    I love you, Mommy!
M                   Me, too. 
1. grow up = 성장하다, grown up = 어른
2. marry 누구 = 누구와 결혼하다
3. get married = 결혼하다
4. already family = 이미 가족이다
