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22.09.03 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 live up to one’s name Weekly Pick live up to one’s name : 이름값 하네요 The Best Burger in Town! It lives up to its name! Grab a piece of sushi and make the dipping sauce live up to its name. Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. lived up to his name in his first game. Young thug might live up to his name. He’s facing ten years in prison. Goodbye, something. Hello, something ① 아이를 가지는 순간 주말과는 작별이지. Once you have kids, you can say goodbye .. 2022. 9. 25.
9월 4th week 19_MON 1 That was our spot. : 저긴 우리만의 공간이었어. 2 Did you have a hiding spot when you were younger? : 어렸을 때 은신처가 있었나요? 3 Hey, you missed a spot here. : (페인트 칠이 안 된 곳을 가리키면서) 야, 여기 칠을 놓쳤어. 4 It’s going to be very hard to find . As they say, location, location, location. : (가게 위치) 찾기가 매우 어려울 거야. 사람들이 그러잖아, 위치가 제일 중요하다고. * demographics (인구 통계), foot traffic (유동 인구 규모), accessibility and parking (접근성 및.. 2022. 9. 18.
9월 3rd week 12_MON 1 Forgive, but don’t forget. Trust me. I’ve had my share of misunderstandings. : 용서하되 잊지 마세요. 저를 믿으세요. 살면서 오해를 충분히 많이 받았어요. 2 I’ve had my share of hate comments. : 저는 악플을 많이 받아 봤어요. 3 Yeah, been there, done that. : 응, 나도 다 겪어봤어. 4 Let’s just say... this is not my first rodeo. : 뭐랄까... 이게 제 첫 골프 시합은 아니라고나 할까요? 13_TUE 1 The snow’s on fire. Woah, you don’t see that every day. : 눈이 불타고 있어요. 와.. 2022. 9. 18.
9월 2nd week 05_MON 1 Let’s not get off on the wrong foot here. : 우리 첫 단추부터 잘못 끼우지 맙시다. 2 Yikes. Bread always falls on the buttered side, huh? : 아이쿠. 빵은 항상 버터 바른 쪽으로 떨어진다니까, 안 그래? 3 My English teaching career began with a rocky start. : 나의 영어 교사 경력의 시작은 쉽지 않았어. 4 After a rocky start to our relationship, it has been smooth sailing. : 우리 관계는 험난한 출발을 한 후 지금까지는 순조로웠어. 06_TUE 1 You shouldn’t hold grudges against .. 2022. 9. 18.