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22.10.27 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 whether (평서문) or not Weekly Pick 1. Mayu : I’m not sure whether Emily has feelings for me or not. Serina : But she already told you clearly to your face that she is not a bit interested in you. Mayu : I’m not sure though. She’s probably hiding her true feelings Serina : No, she’s not. She specifically said in front of you and your friends that she despises you Mayu : I’m not sure though. Maybe she’s… Serina : No. No.. 2022. 10. 28.
22.10.20 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 get hold of Weekly Pick 1. Mayu I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day. Why didn’t you answer my calls? Serina Because I’m not your friend. OK? So, stop calling me. Mayu OK… I just happened to have free tickets to the BTS concert. So, I was going to give them to you. Serina For the good times and bad times, I’ll be on your side forever more~ That’s what friends are for~ get hold of (목적어) : (목적어)와 연락이 되.. 2022. 10. 21.
22.10.13 Thu〈이지 라이팅〉 figure out Weekly Pick 1. Serina : Poor Mayu… He was cursed at birth. Miyu : Cursed? At birth? Is that why he has a terrible sense of fashion? Serina : Well… That, too. The town witch cast a spell on him so his jokes would never be funny. Never ever. Never ever ever. at birth : 태어날 때 2. Serina :I finally figured out how old you are. Mayu : How did you… Serina : See? You went to high school in the States. Y.. 2022. 10. 13.
Easy Writing 2022.09 책거리 핵심표현 1+ 리뷰 ● 1일(목) * 세리나는 얼마나 늦게 자러 간 거야? How late did Serina go to bed? * 난 한동안 탄수화물을 먹은 적이 없어. I haven't had any carbs in a while. ● 2일(금) * 난 한때 200 파운드가 나갔어. I used to weigh 200 pounds. * 아이가 실종될 때 당신은 무엇을 하고 있었나요? What were you doing when your child went missing? ● 5일(월) * 한 신사분이 내게 다가와서 자신을 소개했다. A gentleman walked up to me and introduced himself. * 난 내 가방에 걸려 넘어졌어. I fell over my bag. ● 6일(화) * 너 나한.. 2022. 10. 9.