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Evening _Special45

22.10.20 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 get hold of Weekly Pick 1. Mayu I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day. Why didn’t you answer my calls? Serina Because I’m not your friend. OK? So, stop calling me. Mayu OK… I just happened to have free tickets to the BTS concert. So, I was going to give them to you. Serina For the good times and bad times, I’ll be on your side forever more~ That’s what friends are for~ get hold of (목적어) : (목적어)와 연락이 되.. 2022. 10. 21.
22.10.16 sun 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 Speak up 1. Speak up You need courage to speak up. 당당하게 의사를 전하기 위해선 용기가 필요해. I’m not scared to speak up. 난 내 의사를 당당하게 말하는 게 두렵지 않아. 2. raise one’s voice 소리를 지르다, 목소리를 높이다 Don’t raise your voice at me! 나한테 소리 지르지 마! We need to raise our voices! 우리는 (당당하게) 우리의 목소리를 높여야 해! 3. Don’t talk to ~ that way. 게임을 하는 아들과 어머니가 다투는 상황 A: Did you do your homework? 너 숙제 했니? B: No, I’ll do it later! 아니요, 이따가 할 거예요! A: Co.. 2022. 10. 17.
22.10.15 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 폐를 끼치다 Weekly Pick 폐를 끼치다 1. cause a scene He got kicked off the plane for making a scene. 그는 난동을 부려서 비행기에서 쫓겨났어. 2. ‘폐를 끼치다’와 관련된 표현들 I hate loud talkers in public. 난 공공장소에서 목소리가 큰 사람들이 싫어. I hate people who talk loudly in public. 난 공공장소에서 크게 말하는 사람들이 싫어. 3. Karen ① 인종차별을 당한 상황 A: I ran into a racist Karen today. 오늘 인종 차별주의자 캐런을 만났어. B: What? Really? What happened? 뭐? 정말? 무슨 일이 있었는데? A: She was causi.. 2022. 10. 17.
22.10.13 Thu〈이지 라이팅〉 figure out Weekly Pick 1. Serina : Poor Mayu… He was cursed at birth. Miyu : Cursed? At birth? Is that why he has a terrible sense of fashion? Serina : Well… That, too. The town witch cast a spell on him so his jokes would never be funny. Never ever. Never ever ever. at birth : 태어날 때 2. Serina :I finally figured out how old you are. Mayu : How did you… Serina : See? You went to high school in the States. Y.. 2022. 10. 13.