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22.11.27 Sun 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 left me on read Weekly pick 1. left me on read A: Do you have a boyfriend, Lora? B: I’m sort of seeing someone, but he left me on read for days. A: That is a red flag in a relationship. B: Right? I don’t deserve this. A 남자친구 있어, 로라? B 만나는 사람이 있긴 한데 며칠 동안 읽씹을 당했어. A 그건 관계에 있어서 위험하다는 신호야. B 그치? 난 이런 대접을 받아 마땅하지 않다고. 2. left me on read Don’t leave me on read! 읽씹하지 마! Better left unread than dead. 죽느니 읽지 않는 것이 더 낫다.. 2022. 11. 27.
22.11.26 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 Hold that thought Weekly Pick 1. Hold that thought Do you recommend keeping my bangs? Wait, I’m sorry. Hold that thought. (미용실) 앞머리를 유지하는 걸 추천하시나요? 잠시만요, 죄송해요. 잠시만요. 아내: Honey, did you make the reservation? 아들: Dad, can we go to Disneyland tomorrow? 아빠: Hold that thought, honey. 아내: 여보, 예약했어? 아들: 아빠, 내일 디즈니랜드 가면 안 돼? 아빠: 잠깐만, 얘야. So, what did he say? He said he won’t invest in our company. Hold that thought. 그래서,.. 2022. 11. 26.
[EW] 11월 4th weekly review 21_MON 1 Try to find common ground with your wife during disagreements. 2 Avoid saying things like, "We have nothing in common.“ 3 Be a good listener when she comes home after a rough day. 4 A simple conversation with her should work fine. 5 Show her that you guys are on the same team by sharing problems and working them out together. 22_TUE 1 Stop pointing out her bad habits. 2 Put up with her .. 2022. 11. 25.
[RAE] 11월 4th weekly review 21_MON 1 아내: Honey, did you make the reservation? : 여보, 예약했어? 아들: Dad, can we go to Disneyland tomorrow? : 아빠, 내일 디즈니랜드 가면 안 돼? 아빠: Hold that thought, honey. : 잠깐만, 얘야. 2 I love your tie. : (바에서) 넥타이가 아주 멋지네요. I’m sorry. Hold that thought. : (전화가 온다) 아, 죄송해요. 잠시만요. 3 Now, where were we? : 자, 우리가 어디까지 했죠? 4 We picked up right where we left off. : 우린 아무 일도 없었던 듯 예전처럼 사귀고 있어. 22_TUE 1 The judge put.. 2022. 11. 25.