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22.09.10 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 start/get off on the wrong foot Weekly Pick start/get off on the wrong foot : 출발부터 좋지 않았어 ≒ a rocky start - The two countries got off on the wrong foot. - Look. Maybe we started off on the wrong foot. - Let’s not get off on the wrong foot here. - I know we got off on the wrong foot. natural : 타고난 - natural-born + 명사 ex. natural-born athlete A: This is my first time playing basketball. B: That’s okay. Don’t think too much and j.. 2022. 9. 25.
22.09.08 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 There’s no such thing as ~ Weekly Pick There’s no such thing as ~ : ~ 같은 건 없어 weigh (무게) : (무게)가 나가다 hands down : 고민할 필요도 없이 make a right turn : 우회전 하다 finger-licking good : 엄청 맛있는 세리나의 엄마표 영어 엄마(Serina) What are you drawing? Is that a cow? 아들(마유) No, it’s you, Mommy! 엄마 Oh… You’re right. I can tell it’s me. 아들 And that’s your nose! 엄마 Well done! I’m going to hang it up as soon as you’re done. what are you - ing? : 너 뭘 -하.. 2022. 9. 25.
22.09.04 Sun 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 You're welcome Weekly Pick (You're) welcome You’re more than welcome, sir. You’re welcome to stay (for the night). I don’t feel welcomed. You’re welcome이 반어법으로 쓰인다?! ① 상대방이 고맙다고 말을 못 하고 있는 상황 A : Hey, here’s the money. B : ... A : You’re welcome, buddy. ② 상대방이 고맙다고 하지 않는 상황 A : Okay. See you later! B : You’re welcome! A : Haha, thank you! 2022. 9. 25.
22.09.03 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 live up to one’s name Weekly Pick live up to one’s name : 이름값 하네요 The Best Burger in Town! It lives up to its name! Grab a piece of sushi and make the dipping sauce live up to its name. Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. lived up to his name in his first game. Young thug might live up to his name. He’s facing ten years in prison. Goodbye, something. Hello, something ① 아이를 가지는 순간 주말과는 작별이지. Once you have kids, you can say goodbye .. 2022. 9. 25.