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22. 12. 27 Tue 〈진짜미국영어〉Happy new year! Weekly Pick 1. Happy new year! / Happy new years! / Happy new ear! (채팅, 댓글, 이메일) Wishing you a great year ahead! 멋진 한 해가 되길 바랍니다 Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? 새해 결심이 있나요? My New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. 나의 새해 결심은 살을 빼는 거야. My New Year’s resolution is to go on vacation. 나의 새해 결심은 여행 가는 거야. I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to master English. 나는 영어를 마스터하는 것을 새해 결심으로 삼았어. I’ve.. 2022. 12. 31.
22. 12. 24 Sat 〈진짜미국영어〉 overwhelm Weekly Pick 1. A How do you cope with your stress? I’ve been undermounting stress these days. B What’s the matter? A My work is killing me and everything is out of control right now. B This too shall pass. Be patient a little bit. Give time some time. A 넌 스트레스에 어떻게 대처해? 난 요즘 스트레스가 너무 심해. B 무슨 일이야? A 일 때문에 죽겠고 지금 모든 게 통제 불능이야. B 이 또한 지나갈 거야. 조금만 참아. 시간에도 시간을 줘. 2. I’m under so much stress. It’s n.. 2022. 12. 31.
22. 12. 22. Thu 〈이지라이팅〉 Out of style Weekly Pick OO years apart = OO살 터울인 Serina: I didn’t you know you had a daughter! Why didn’t you tell me? Hi! So, are you a college student or something? Mayu: What are you talking about? She’s my sister! We’re only 5 years apart! I mean… Can’t you tell? Serina: Either she looks young or you look extremely old. What happened you, man…? for an extra $OO = OO달러를 추가로 지불하시면, Mayu: OK. I’ll take thi.. 2022. 12. 31.
22.12.10 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 embarrassing Weekly Pick 1. embarrassing A Hey, Rachel! It’s so good to see you! B Uh, I’m sorry. I think you got the wrong person. A Oh! I’m so sorry. You look so much like my friend. This is so embarrassing! B Oh, you’re good! It happens. A 안녕, 레이첼! 얼굴 보니까 너무 좋다! B 어, 죄송한데요. 사람을 잘못 보신 것 같아요. A 아! 정말 죄송해요. 제 친구와 아주 많이 닮으셨네요. 너무 창피하네요! B 아니에요, 괜찮아요! 그럴 수도 있죠. 2. I had to go to the prom with my own sister. I .. 2022. 12. 11.