Weekly Pick
Mayu : Miss Hwang? I’m confused between “Do you have time?” and “Do you have the time?” Don’t they mean the same thing?
Serina : As a matter of fact, they are not quite different. You use “Do you have the time?” when you want to know what time it is.
Mayu : That’s fascinating! By the way, do you have time tonight?
Serina : It’s 11:30 now.
As a matter of fact = 사실상,
Mayu : Hey, do you guys want to get together this weekend?
Serina : Oh, we wish. But we’re having a girls’ night-out this weekend.
Seriana : That’s right. No boys allowed.
Mayu : I think I have the right to join you. You guys call me Marin, don’t you?
get together = 모이다
Mayu : I know I should’ve said this a long time ago, but you are like my family.
Serina : Oh, that’s so sweet! You are like my family, too! I’ve always considered you my own daugh…
Mayu : Stop it.
consider A B = A를 B라고 여기다
Serina : Hello, Mayu? What’s all the noise? You sound busy.
Mayu : I’m going to have to call you back. I’m busy washing the dishes.
Serina : No way! But you never do the dishes.
Mayu : I had to. I couldn’t accept any more fruit fly friends.
busy (~ing) = (~ing)하느라 바쁜
Mayu : How could anyone possibly lose a carry-on bag?
Serina : It’s a long story. My tummy started to hurt while the plane was landing.
So, as soon as I got off the plane, I rushed to the bathroom.
Mayu : And… you left your bag on the plane.
Serina : Yeah. And my three little monkeys.
rush to (장소) = 서둘러 (장소)로 향하다
세리나의 엄마표 영어
Mom(Serina) : Marin, time to get ready for school!
Daughter(마유) : I’m all done, Mommy!
Mom : What? Already? Did you brush your teeth?
Daughter : Yes!
Mom : Did you pack your homework?
Daughter : Yes!
Mom : Very good. Did you pack your water?
Daughter : Yes!
Mom : I love how timely you are today.Well done, Marin!
1. (It’s) time to get ready for ~ = ~를 준비할 시간이야
2. Did you ~? = ~ 했어?
3. I love how ~ you are = 너의 ~하는 모습이 넘 좋아
4. pack ~ = 물건을 싸다, 챙기다
5. timely = 시간을 딱딱 잘 맞추는
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