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[EW] 12월 5th weekly review 26_MON 1 Mayu: You got me a present! You're so sweet! Wait... Isn't this the scarf I gave you as a gift last year? 2 Serina: I have no idea what you're talking about. It can't possibly be... 3 Mayu: It is! How could you regift something to the very person who gave it to you? 4 Serina: OK. Let me be honest with you. Who wears a pink scarf in winter? 5 Mayu: Well, I do. You know nothing about fash.. 2022. 12. 31.
[RAE] 12월 5th weekly review 26_MON 1 What did you do for Christmas? : 크리스마스 때 뭐 했어? 2 What have you done? : 무슨 짓을 한 거니? 3 I hope you had a great holiday! : 좋은 휴일을 보내셨기를 바랍니다! 4 Did you really (say that)? : 정말 그랬어 (그렇게 말했어)? 27_TUE 1 Your team looks good on paper. : 네 팀은 겉으로만(통계로만) 보면 진짜 잘할 것 같은데. 2 We’re technically still married on paper. : 엄밀히 따지면 우리는 아직 서류상으로 결혼한 상태야. 3 He said he didn’t do it, but he left a paper trail.. 2022. 12. 31.
22. 12. 29. Thu 〈이지라이팅〉 freeze one’s butt off Weekly Pick freeze but one’s off = 추워서 귀가 떨어져 나갈 지경이다 Serina: Oh, my goodness! Korea is colder than I thought! I’m freezing my but off! Mayu: No. You’re freezing your ears off. Serina: What? No… That’s not the right expression. You freeze your butt off, not ears. Mayu: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Korea, do as Koreans do. Mayu: Here in Korea, you freeze your ears off, not butt. be .. 2022. 12. 31.
22. 12. 27 Tue 〈진짜미국영어〉Happy new year! Weekly Pick 1. Happy new year! / Happy new years! / Happy new ear! (채팅, 댓글, 이메일) Wishing you a great year ahead! 멋진 한 해가 되길 바랍니다 Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? 새해 결심이 있나요? My New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. 나의 새해 결심은 살을 빼는 거야. My New Year’s resolution is to go on vacation. 나의 새해 결심은 여행 가는 거야. I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to master English. 나는 영어를 마스터하는 것을 새해 결심으로 삼았어. I’ve.. 2022. 12. 31.