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etc/EBS Evening Special

22. 12. 29. Thu 〈이지라이팅〉 freeze one’s butt off

by Chloe Y 2022. 12. 31.

Weekly Pick

freeze but one’s off = 추워서 귀가 떨어져 나갈 지경이다

Serina: Oh, my goodness! Korea is colder than I thought! I’m freezing my but off!
Mayu: No. You’re freezing your ears off.
Serina: What? No… That’s not the right expression. You freeze your butt off, not ears.
Mayu: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Korea, do as Koreans do.
Mayu: Here in Korea, you freeze your ears off, not butt.

be on a business trip = 출장 중이다

Mayu: Miss Hwang, are you busy tomorrow?
Serina: Oh, yeah… I will be on a business trip for a week.
Mayu: I understand. How about next weekend, then? Hmm?
Serina: Next weekend? Uh… Oh, yeah! I’ll be on a family trip.
Mayu: I see. I’ll wait for you until you’re back, then. You have nothing after that, right?
Serina: I’ll be on another trip. A permanent trip to… Mars?

Who (동사) = 누가 (동사)하니?

Serina: Ha! Ha! Look at this guy in the feed. I mean… Who wears skinny jeans these days, right?
Seriana: I know, right? He’s even wearing a cardigan in a matching color!
Serina: Oh, my gosh? That’s so lame! Ha! Ha!
Seriana: You know what’s funny? He looks awfully like Mayu!
Serina: Oh…
Mayu: Yeah. “Oh”.

unless (평서문) = (평서문)이 아닌 이상

Boss: Why don’t we go hiking together this weekend?
Serina: Well, I um…
Boss: Unless! You don’t think of me as your boss.
Serina: Of course, I do! Sure! Let’s go!
Boss: Really? Also, why don’t we go fishing the following weekend?
Serina: Oh, wow… Well… Actually…
Boss: Unless! You are so busy and don’t want to do anything with your boss.
Serina: OK…
Boss: What’s wrong? You don’t look so happy about it. You can be honest with me.
Serina: OK. I’d rather look after my three nephews while on a unicycle than spend time with you, sir.

was/were going to (동사원형) = (동사원형)하려고 했다

Mayu: Please tell me you ordered fried chicken, too.
Serina: I was going to, but then I wasn’t sure if you were still on a diet.
Mayu: So… What did you order, then?
Serina: Unsalted chicken breasts with boiled carrots on the side.
Mayu: You just ruined my life.

세리나의 엄마표 영어

M: And they lived happily ever after…Did you enjoy this book?
D: I did, Mommy. Can we read another one?
M: How about you read the next book by yourself? Mommy has to go wash the dishes.
D: Just one more, please Mommy? Pretty please with a cherry on top???
M: Okay, just one more. But you have to promise me, this is the last one. Okay?
D: Okay, Mommy! Thank you! I love you so much!
M: I love you too, Sweetheart.
D: I want to read… this one!!!
M: b...b... but that’s like 50 pages!
D: Muhahahahaha…

1. by yourself = 혼자서
2. wash the dishes = 설거지하다
3. pretty please with a cherry on top = 부탁해요
4. you have to promise me = 나와 약속해줘야 해
5. this is the last one = 이게 마지막이야

