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etc/EBS Evening Special

22.12.02 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 It turns out (평서문)

by Chloe Y 2022. 12. 2.

Weekly Pick

Mayo : You’re not going to believe this.
Serina : What… What is it?
Mayo : You remember how Mayu said he went to culinary school in France? It turns out he’s never even been to France!
Serina : No wonder his food tastes like rubber.

It turns out (평서문). = 알고 보니 (평서문)이다.

Serina : I saw this beautiful house in Serinaville yesterday. I think it’s for sale!
Mayu : Well… I can’t afford a house right now.
Serina : OK. You can afford a supercar, but you can’t afford a house?
Mayu : I still have 360 more payments on the car.

can’t afford (명사) = (명사)를 살 여유가 안 된다

Serina : Mayu. Do you think human beings are evil by nature?
Mayu : No, I don’t think so. Look at you, for example. You’re really nice to me. Why do you ask?
Serina : I’m glad you think that way. I just ordered spicy chicken instead of fried chicken
knowing that you’d hate it

by nature = 선천적으로

Serina : There’s this guy I’m kind of interested in.
Miyu : Who? Don’t tell me it’s Mayu because I’ve got dibs on him.
Serina : Girl, please. I’m way out of his league. The guy doesn’t even know how to cook.
Seriously. He’s all yours.

have got dibs on (목적어) = (목적어)를 찜해 두다

Mayu : So, is this your new car?
Serina : Yeah! I just got it delivered yesterday!
Mayu : Are you sure you bought this new? It kind of looks like a used car…
Serina : You’re just saying that because you’re jealous.
Mayu : Then, what’s this funky smell?
Serina : It’s called the new car smell!

buy (명사) new = (명사)를 새것으로 사다

세리나의 엄마표 영어

Mom(Serina) : Marin, how should we do your hair today?
Daughter(마유) : Mommy, Yuna always has braids. Can I have braids, too?
Mom : Of course! How many braids do you want?
Daughter : I want 30 braids, please.
Mom : 30 is a bit much, no? We’re going to be late for school.
Daughter : You’re right, Mommy. 27 is fine.
Mom : Okay…

1. How should we ~? = 어떻게 (동사원형)하는 게 좋을까?
2. How many (복수명사) do you want? = (복수명사) 몇 개를 원해?
3. a bit much = 좀 심한, 좀 많이
4. braid = 땋은 머리, 머리 땋다

