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22.12.20 Tue 〈진짜미국영어〉 It’s that time of year again! Weekly Pick 1. it’s that time of year again. A Is it just me or are there more couples these days? B What do you mean? A I see them everywhere I look. I guess it’s that time of year again. B Yeah. It’s a cuffing season. A 나만 그런가, 아니면 요즘 커플이 더 많은가? B 무슨 말이야? A 어디를 봐도 다 보여서. 다시 그때가 됐나 보다. B 그래, 커핑 시즌이야 2. Mom! Can I have $100 dollars? -- For what? For my team uniform. -- Ah, it’s that time of year.. 2022. 12. 31.
22.12.18 Sun 〈진짜미국영어〉Get it off one’s chest 1. feel so down 기분이 우울하다 A I’ve been feeling so down lately. B What’s up? Talk to me. You need to get it out of your system. A I feel like everything is falling apart right now. B It’s OK. Remember, it’s OK to be not OK. A 요즘 기분이 너무 울적해. B 무슨 일이야? 나한테 말해 봐. 감정을 분출해야 해. A 지금 모든 것이 무너지는 느낌이야. B 괜찮아. 괜찮지 않아도 괜찮다는 걸 기억해 2. I finally got traveling Paris out of my system. 드디어 오랫동안 바라던 파리를 여행했어. Before.. 2022. 12. 21.
22.12.17 Sat 〈진짜미국영어〉 Are you getting this? Weekly Pick 1. embarrassing A You are known to be very passionate about your job. B Oh, am I? That’s music to my ears. A What keeps you passionate when you work? B Can we talk off the record? I just do it for the money. A 당신은 당신의 일에 매우 열정적인 것으로 알려져 있어요. B 아, 그래요? 듣기 좋은 말이네요. A 일할 때 열정을 잃지 않는 이유가 뭔가요? B 비공식적으로 얘기해도 될까요? 저는 단지 돈 때문에 일을 합니다. 2. (직원과 고객) You had a year to respond. -- Off the record,.. 2022. 12. 21.
22.12.15 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉watch your language Weekly Pick break into = ~에 잠입하다 Mayu Honey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Serina Someone broke into my car and stole something. We’re going to have to cancel our trip. Mayu Oh, no… Someone stole your passport? Serina No, the pink skirt I ordered for our trip. Without it, there’s no point in going to Spain. watch one’s language = 말조심하다 Serina OK. So, this is Babo. We’ve known each other for .. 2022. 12. 16.