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Evening _Special45

22.11.26 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 Hold that thought Weekly Pick 1. Hold that thought Do you recommend keeping my bangs? Wait, I’m sorry. Hold that thought. (미용실) 앞머리를 유지하는 걸 추천하시나요? 잠시만요, 죄송해요. 잠시만요. 아내: Honey, did you make the reservation? 아들: Dad, can we go to Disneyland tomorrow? 아빠: Hold that thought, honey. 아내: 여보, 예약했어? 아들: 아빠, 내일 디즈니랜드 가면 안 돼? 아빠: 잠깐만, 얘야. So, what did he say? He said he won’t invest in our company. Hold that thought. 그래서,.. 2022. 11. 26.
22.11.24 Thu 〈이지 라이팅〉 Now that I think about it Weekly Pick Mayu : Did you really think my joke was lame? Serina : kinda did. But now that I think about it, I think it was okay. Mayu : So, you don’t think it was hilarious. Serina : Hilarious? No. It was good enough to make me chuckle a little bit, but hilarious? No… Now that I think about it, = 이제 와서 생각해 보니 Mayu : You won’t find a better house for this price. There’s just about everything wit.. 2022. 11. 25.
22.11.20 Sun 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 취침 인사와 관련된 표현들 Weekly Pick 취침 인사와 관련된 표현들 1. sweet dreams 좋은 꿈 꿔. dream of me 내 꿈 꿔. see you in the morning 내일 아침에 만나. night(y) night 잘자 (※ 주로 아이들에게 하는 표현) lights out 불 끄자 sleepyhead 잠꾸러기 Time to ride the rainbow to dreamland. 무지개를 타고 꿈나라로 갈 시간이야. 2. go to bed VS go to the bed 3. tight Lora has a very tight-knit family. 로라의 가족은 매우 끈끈하다. (*tight-knit 유대감이 깊은) A: He is very uptight. 걔는 진짜 깐깐해. B: Yeah, he needs .. 2022. 11. 20.
22.11.19 Sat 〈진짜 미국 영어〉 What’s with the ~? Weekly Pick What’s with the ~? 1. A: Hey, Kim! B: Hey! What’s with the long sleeves? A: Uh, I get cold easily? B: Okay. What’s with the attitude? A: 어이, 김! B: 안녕! 근데 갑자기 웬 긴팔이야? A: 어, 내가 추위를 잘 타서? B: 아, 그래. 근데 말투가 왜 그래? 2. What’s with the ~ What’s with the pink? (오늘따라) 왜 핑크색을 입었어? (보통 안경을 쓰지 않는 사람에게) What’s with the glasses? 갑자기 웬 안경이야? What’s with David today? 데이비드 오늘 왜 저래? What’s with the hair.. 2022. 11. 20.