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[EW] 1월 1st weekly review 02_MON 1 Miles is a man who is burned out with his life and career. 2 He also knows that the relationship with his wife is going nowhere. 3 One day, his co-worker Dan introduces him to a mysterious spa called Top Happy Spa. 4 The shady men working at the spa claim that they can provide him with a better life. 5 He decides to take a risk and spends $50,000 for the treatment. 03_TUE 1 Hours later,.. 2023. 1. 8.
[EW] 12월 5th weekly review 26_MON 1 Mayu: You got me a present! You're so sweet! Wait... Isn't this the scarf I gave you as a gift last year? 2 Serina: I have no idea what you're talking about. It can't possibly be... 3 Mayu: It is! How could you regift something to the very person who gave it to you? 4 Serina: OK. Let me be honest with you. Who wears a pink scarf in winter? 5 Mayu: Well, I do. You know nothing about fash.. 2022. 12. 31.
22. 12. 29. Thu 〈이지라이팅〉 freeze one’s butt off Weekly Pick freeze but one’s off = 추워서 귀가 떨어져 나갈 지경이다 Serina: Oh, my goodness! Korea is colder than I thought! I’m freezing my but off! Mayu: No. You’re freezing your ears off. Serina: What? No… That’s not the right expression. You freeze your butt off, not ears. Mayu: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Korea, do as Koreans do. Mayu: Here in Korea, you freeze your ears off, not butt. be .. 2022. 12. 31.
22. 12. 22. Thu 〈이지라이팅〉 Out of style Weekly Pick OO years apart = OO살 터울인 Serina: I didn’t you know you had a daughter! Why didn’t you tell me? Hi! So, are you a college student or something? Mayu: What are you talking about? She’s my sister! We’re only 5 years apart! I mean… Can’t you tell? Serina: Either she looks young or you look extremely old. What happened you, man…? for an extra $OO = OO달러를 추가로 지불하시면, Mayu: OK. I’ll take thi.. 2022. 12. 31.