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etc/EBS Evening Special

23. 01. 19 Thu 〈이지라이팅〉 be loaded + with

by Chloe Y 2023. 1. 21.

Weekly Pick



one’s 20s/30s/40s/50s = ~ 20/30/40/50


Serina Oh, my God! It’s such an honor to meet you, Mr. Mayu!

I am a huge fan of yours!

I watched every episode of The Easy Writers!

Mayu Oh, thank you! You are so sweet!

Serina My goodness I can’t believe you’re in your 50s.

You look like you are only 40. 45, tops!

Mayu I’m 30



secret + to (~ing) = (~ing)하는 비결


Serina You have a great body, Mayu!

What’s your secret to staying so fit?

Mayu Well, it’s simple. I listen to Easy Writing every morning.

Serina Huh? What does that have to do with staying fit?

Mayu I burn so many calories doing verbal writing.

You remember my friend Bongpal?

He lost 30 pounds just by listening to Easy Writing, too.

Serina You know what? I’m going to listen to Easy Writing

and Evening Special at the same time and get a 6 pack!




give (목적어) a raise = (목적어)에게 봉급 인상을 해 주다


Mayu They finally gave me a raise after 30 years.

Serina Finally, huh? Congratulations. Buy me lunch or something.

Mayu I wish I could

Serina Come on, man! Don’t be so cheap!

Mayu They only gave me a $1,000 increase

Serina Well, that’s not so bad.

Mayu yearly



be loaded + with (명사) = (명사)로 가득 차 있다


Captain Serina Sir, are you carrying anything illegal in your car?

Mayu No There’s nothing in the trunk.

Captain Serina In the trunk? Hey, search the car!

Officer Seriana What the Ma’am!

The trunk is loaded with fried chicken!

Captain Serina You think you so clever, huh? Arrest him!

Mayu I was just hungry! That’s all!



take a ride in (명사) = (명사)를 타러 나가다


Mayu I know the car looks old, but I restored it completely.

Serina I get it, but what’s all the noise?

Mayu It’s just uh Oh, I just installed a new exhaust!

Sounds mean, right?

Serina No, it sounds broken

Mayu Trust me.

Once you take a ride in it, you will fall in love with it.



세리나의 엄마표 영어


Dad> Happy Lunar New Year, my love!

Daughter> Happy Lunar New Year Daddy! It is MY year.

Dad> What do you mean, YOUR year?

Daughter> It is the year of the rabbit! And I’m a rabbit!

Dad> You were born in 2015 so you’re actually a sheep.

Daughter> No, Daddy. I don’t want to be a sheep. I’m a rabbit! I don’t like sheep, Daddy. I like bunnies! I’m a bunny!

Dad> We can’t choose the animal we want to be, Serin.

Daughter> But you always say, I can be whatever I want to be.

Dad> True I guess you’re right, Sweetheart. You can be a rabbit if you want to be.

Daughter> What animal are you Daddy?

Dad> What do you think I am?

Daughter> A big, fuzzy daddy bunny with silly glasses! Hehehe!

Dad> (laughs) You’re right! Hop hop hop! Look at me, I’m a big daddy bunny who loves carrots! Hop hop hop!



1. Lunar New Year = 구정, 음력설

2. Year of the Rabbit = 토끼의 해

sheep = , 양들

bunny = (아동어) 토끼

3. actually = 실제로

“You’re actually a sheep”

4. zodiac animal = 

“What animal are you?”

“What’s your zodiac animal?”

5. hop hop hop = 깡충깡충



